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in Announcements / Ankündigungen Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:47 am
by gsnoopy520 • 358 Posts
Wenn Sie hier auf Links zu eBay klicken und einen Kauf tätigen, kann dies dazu führen, dass diese Website eine Provision erhält.

It''s surprisingly easy to virtually kill your eBay business Cheap Marc-Andre Fleury Hoodie , if you''re not careful.

Yes, I know, you can probably start over again from scratch without it costing you anything, but do you really want to?

So, if you want your business to end up dead in the water, here are some simple ways to do it.

1. Lie about an item

Say it works fine when it sometimes doesn''t work. Say it''s in perfect condition when it has a scratch. Your customers will hate you!

2. Mail your item whenever you feel like it

Make sure to leave your customers hanging around Cheap James Neal Hoodie , wondering when their item is going to turn up. This makes sure they buy from someone else next time.

3. Let items end anytime

Few people will be around to care about your auction if it ends in the middle of the night. Why go to the trouble of working out whether auctions will end at a good time?

4. Don''t bother with email

Customers are just time wasters anyway. eBay businesses are supposed to run themselves! Never give informed responses to questions about your item.

5. Sell rubbish

Really, it''s just eBay. You can just sell any old tat from the market for a 200% profit. Let quality be someone else''s concern ? I mean, really, what do they expect for that price?

6. Refuse to give discounts

You know what your items cost, you know what your profit margin is going to be, and you''re not going to negotiate. Remember that giving customers special deals might make them feel good and come back to you again.

7. Make your listings ugly

As many colors Cheap Alex Tuch Shirt , flashing lights and animations as possible will really give those customers a headache. Write as much in CAPITALS!!!! as you can. Preferably big, red capitals. Be sure to use the fonts Impact and Comic Sans. For an extra special touch, see if you can figure out a way to add some music.

8. Don''t take photos

It''s such trouble, after all. If buyers are picky enough to actually want to see items before they bid on them, then screw ?em, that''s what I say.

9. Write short descriptions

Be as brief as possible Cheap Nate Schmidt Shirt , and use lots of mysterious abbreviations. This obviously makes you look very cool. You can even just write the title again in the description box. Think of the effort you''ll save!

10. Use reserve auctions

Now, this is a fairly controversial final choice, but it really is one of the best ways to scare away your customers. They''ll see ''reserve not yet met?, and click that ?back? button before you know it. Luckily, they can always bid in a normal auction for the item somewhere else.

Well, there you are. How to close your eBay business in 10 easy steps.

I know you''re not guilty of any of those.

Are you???

Chris held the mug of steaming coffee in both hands ? and he grew gradually more animated as he described the various successes he had enjoyed during his five year career as a life coach.

In his early forties Cheap Jonathan Marchessault Shirt , Chris liked the fact that he could combine his previous experience of sales and financial services with his more recent training in coaching. One of the most satisfying aspects of his new career, Chris told me, was seeing his clients achieve their long-term goals.

However, Chris was beginning to feel frustrated as his own business, while successful, was not as prosperous as he believed it could be.

Talking with Chris Cheap Brad Hunt Shirt , it soon became clear that he had fallen into the trap that bags so many coaches and consultants. I told him of the maxim my grandfather had taught me when I first started working for myself more than ten years ago.

?There is a limit to how much money you can earn,? my grandfather had told me, ?but no limit to how much you can make.?

I suggested to Chris that he was at the stage in his career when he needed to take a little time out to work ?on? rather than ?in? his business. While he was working very hard each day, he was busying himself swapping his time for his clients? money.

However, if he wanted to make a successful business ? rather than merely be self- employed ? then Chris needed to create some mechanisms for earning money even when he wasn''t working.

Chris looked bewildered. I explained that he might start thinking about ways to make ?knowledge-based? products - using the unique skills, talents and techniques that he had amassed over the years.

Together we brainstormed several ideas. Chris particularly liked the idea of writing a ''tips booklet for top salespeople? ? which he could sell at the back of the room when he was giving talks. And Cheap William Karlsson Shirt , by making the product visible during his coaching sessions, clients might also buy the booklets for themselves or as gifts for friends.

But there could be greater dividends still, I told Chris. For example, by tailoring the contents of the booklet, he could contact companies that specialise in financial services and persuade them to buy his product to help their salespeople become more successful. By making bulk sales, Chris could seriously enhance his wealth ? with minimum effort.

The beauty of making knowledge-based products Cheap David Perron Shirt , Chris agreed, is that the hard work is only done once! The real money comes through replicating the product ? which is a relatively cheap process. Indeed, as Chris pointed out, if he were to sell his booklets on the web, he could get customers to pay to download his knowledge ? without the transaction costing him a penny!

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